Deactivation of the LuxTrust Token on 31 December 2024

LuxTrust, the Government IT Centre's partner for secure connection to its online services, has announced the deactivation of the Token by 31 December 2024.

This decision, aimed at further securing online transactions, also impacts users who currently use the LuxTrust Token to connect to online government services requiring strong authentication. These include government electronic platforms such as, eCDF, the portals managed by the Luxembourg Business Registers and the declaration systems of the Customs and Excise Agency (Administration des douanes et accises).  

LuxTrust provides a dedicated web page to help Token users activate the LuxTrust Mobile application or LuxTrust Scan. LuxTrust also offers dedicated support

  • by telephone at +352 24 550 550; 
  • by email at;
  • in person at their offices from Monday to Friday, 8.00 to 18.00.

Reminder: users can also log in using their Luxembourg identity card and the GouvID application, if they have activated the electronic certificates, or with an eIDAS device from another European country.  


Government IT Centre