The Government IT Centre (CTIE) is the administrative body responsible for IT services for Luxembourg’s government, ministries and public administrations. It offers a wide range of services to its clients in the public administration.

The services cover all areas of IT including:

  • network and communication infrastructure;
  • hosting;
  • private cloud (IaaS);
  • platforms (PaaS);
  • generic and customised software solutions (SaaS);
  • related services such as secure document generation, individualised mass printing, etc.

It also manages office automation and telephony for ministries and administrations, and is responsible for implementing and enforcing the state's IT infrastructure security policies.

The CTIE also acts as a central player in the eGovernment domain through the implementation of the online portal, the single point of contact for citizens and businesses in order to carry out public procedures. The portal's interactive platform offers modern and easy-to-use digital services and is a key element of Luxembourg's digital strategy.