
The remit of the Government IT Centre (CTIE) is set out in the law of 24 November 2015 amending the amended law of 20 April 2009. The CTIE's mission is to:

  • promote and organise in a rational, coordinated way the automation of the State's administrations, particularly with regard to the collection, transmission and processing of data;
  • assist the various State administrations in carrying out ordinary IT work, and to manage fixed and mobile communication systems;
  • manage electronic, IT and security equipment appropriate to the accomplishment of its attributions;
  • administer the State's common IT network and electronic messaging;
  • ensure IT security and respect for the legal provisions regarding the protection of persons in respect of the processing of personal data, within the limits of its attributions;
  • produce and personalise secure administrative documents and process the corresponding biometric data;
  • acquire and manage IT and office equipment for the State's administrations;
  • manage a support centre for the internal and external users of the information systems managed by the centre;
  • map the processes of the State's administrations and their interoperability, and keep the maps up to date;
  • provide organisational support to the State's administrations and accompany them in their plans for reorganisation;
  • seek synergies among the State's various administrations and optimise their exchanges of information;
  • coordinate the Internet presence of the State's administrations;
  • set up and operate platforms for exchanges with citizens and businesses;
  • set up and operate collaboration platforms linking together all the State's agents;
  • set up and coordinate a network of regional physical front offices offering citizens a one-stop point of contact, whatever their administrative procedures;
  • make available a knowledge base bringing together all the attributions of the State, accessible through the various public-service channels;
  • transmit official information between governments, international bodies and the State's administrations, according to the security directives in force;
  • plan, set up, manage, operate and ensure the availability of the systems of communication and classified information allowing political consultation and the exchange of information to the Government's advantage;
  • exercise, within the scope of its attributions, the function of national distribution authority, with responsibility for managing the cryptographic equipment of national and international bodies;
  • exercise the function of Central Registry, which is the national entity responsible for organising the reception, accounting, distribution and destruction of classified items;
  • provide the Government with a secure infrastructure and the administrative, logistic, electronic communications and information processing resources necessary for crisis management;
  • provide the Government with a national and international conference centre;
  • operate the Government’s postal service.

Additionally, the Centre carries out the attributions conferred on it by the provisions of special legislation and regulations, particularly with regard to satisfying the IT needs of users and establishments other than the State’s administrations.


Government IT Centre